Holistic Approaches: Treating Knee Pain Naturally
A holistic view of knee pain includes 4 parts:
- Alignment
- Mobility
- Strength
- Moderating Inflammation
Having good posture is more than just "sitting up straight." Good posture includes every part of your body, including your knees.
We start with good foot posture - standing or sitting with our toes slightly (~ 10-15 degrees) out from our centerline. This leads to external rotation of the legs and open, relaxed hips.
Bending the knees slightly while standing and bending protects your knees from strain. When walking, land on a slightly bent knee. The only time I recommend completely straightening or "locking out" the knees is when your feet are not supporting your bodyweight (like doing a "legs up the wall" pose or something like that).
If it hurts to go up or down stairs, or getting in or out of a seat, you're lacking mobility.
The good news is there are lots of ways to improve your leg and knee mobility.
Here are a couple of my favorites:
Foam Rolling the Quads & IT Bands
Many people (myself included) get tight quadricep muscles which can lead to knee stiffness or pain. Laying with your quad on a foam roller makes a huge difference. Some tips for rolling:
- Work on the area between the top of your knee and below the hips.
- Only work on one leg at a time.
- Only do a small (less than 6" square) section at a time.
- Breathe into the painful spots until they're slightly less tender.
- Go slow.
- If it hurts, use your hands and other leg to back off on the pressure.
- If you can't lay down on the ground like this, use a rolling pin in a chair instead.
- Spend about 4-5 minutes on each leg.
Quad Stretches
Just like in gym class. Grab one ankle and pull your heel to your booty. Keep your spine straight, knee pointed down (as much as possible), and core engaged. Breathe. Hold for 5-10 breaths per leg. Use a yoga strap if you can't reach your foot or ankle.
Strengthening the support muscles around a joint helps stabilize the area, protecting against further damage. One way to do this is with squats and lunges.
Wall Squats
Start with your feet about 3 feet apart, about 1-2 feet away from a wall. Slide down the wall, keeping your knees externally rotating over your toes. Hold for 1 minute and breathe.
Moderating Inflammation
Sometimes all the exercises in the world won't make a difference if your diet or nervous system aren't supporting your health.
Acupuncture reduces inflammation within 5 minutes of needle insertion.
It works by opening the meridians in your body. Meridians are pathways of nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and connective tissue that transverse the entire length of your body. When there's a blockage - from stress or injury - you feel discomfort along that pathway. The needles unblock the meridian so blood flow is restored and your body can heal.
A big misconception is that gluten sensitivity only manifests as digestive upset. Actually, one of the biggest signs of gluten intolerance that I see, clinically, is joint pain. (Also skin issues and sinus congestion.)
Here's a free guide for how to find out if you have gluten issues or other food sensitivities that can cause joint pain.
Excess weight is another big (haha) reason for knee pain. Sometimes it's simply just too much load for your knees to bear.
Some helpful supplements for reducing pain in the body are: turmeric, fish oil, bone, and glucosamine.
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