Natural Health Center Blog

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How I Quickly Recovered from an Injury ... and So Can You

I have to be 100% honest with you.  I do some crazy stuff - hanging upside down...

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Why You Have One-Sided Back Pain and How to Get Rid of It

Why is it so common to have pain that’s worse on one side of the back, hip, or leg...

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How to Stop Your Irregular Period Without Surgery or Pills

Heavy periods?  Too many periods in a month?  We’ve got you covered, boo....

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Stretch and Strengthen Your Neck with This Easy Core Exercise

Ever since I got into a fender-bender years ago I've had a spot on my neck that likes to...

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Strengthen Your Back, Hips, and Legs with Posting (“Horse Stance”)

I trained in martial arts for 10 years. 

At one point in time, I did a black belt...

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6 Unique Ways to Relieve Foot Pain

We don’t think about our feet that much ... until they hurt.  

Tight or...

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How to Know if the Acupuncture is Working or Not

If you Google “wellness,” you’ll find images like this -

silhouette of woman raising her right hand

The reality...

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Coffee Confessional: Why I Decided to Cut Back on Caffeine

Do you like coffee? 

Or do you LOVE it? 

I still remember my first cup of coffee. ...

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6 Ways to Relieve Carpel Tunnel Wrist and Thumb Pain

You don't realize how much you use your wrists and hands until they hurt.  Then,...

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Quick and Easy Neck Stretches That Help Fix Your Posture

Most of what we do all day involves craning our neck forward:  driving; using phones and...

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Vitamins: Do I Need Them, and Which Ones to Take

Getting all the nutrition your body needs is difficult to do with food alone. 

I used to...

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No time or too tired to exercise?

The age-old question:  When you set aside time to exercise and that time rolls around...

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